Annual Updates

All animal care and use protocols are approved for a period of three years. During those three years, at year 1 and year 2, each protocol is to be updated by the PI and reviewed by the IACUC. This process is to be completed prior to the anniversary month of the protocol approval. The PI is required to submit the Animal Protocol Annual Review Form each year. This form is to be used to submit the annual protocol updates to the IACUC, as required by PHS Policy. This form is to be used to: update protocol status (active or not), report breeding numbers, delete personnel, and to update the IACUC of any unexpected losses or deaths of animals.

The Animal Protocol Annual Review Form and a reminder will be sent to PI’s by the NU-IACUC three months prior to the anniversary of their original protocol approval. If the PI does not submit the form, they will be reminded monthly to submit it. Failure to complete this form may result in delays in the filling of animal orders, and could ultimately result in the termination of animal use privileges.