Institutional Review Board

The Northeastern University Institutional Review Board (IRB) follows the basic ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice as set forth in the Belmont Report.

These principles are codified in 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 46, subparts A-D – Protection of Human Subjects.

It is the policy of Northeastern University that no activity involving human subjects be undertaken until those activities have been reviewed and approved by the University’s IRB. Accordingly, all university research involving human subjects must first be reviewed by the Office of Human Subject Research Protection (HSRP).

HSRP provides central administration to the NU IRB and serves as the primary point of contact for all IRB-related issues. HSRP works to educate members of the university community about their responsibilities to comply with federal, state and university research regulations relating to the protection of human subjects and also provides assistance to students, faculty and staff in obtaining approval for teaching and research activities under those guidelines.