Pre-Award Support

Phase I: Pre-Award Support

Hub Research Management Services
Interpreting Funding Opportunities
Assist PI in interpreting funding agency guidelines to determine institutional and PI eligibility (all award types)
Proposal Preparation
Review and understand funding agency instructions for proposal preparation
Identify, indicate & obtain approval for cost sharing in proposal
Identify & indicate need for institutional approvals for project (e.g. IRB, IACUC, IBC)
Develop administrative pages of proposal
Ensure Faculty is not over maximum allowed effort
Identify subcontractors/collaborators & collect necessary paperwork
Develop & revise budget; ensure budget accuracy
Proposal Review and Approval
Review and approve before sending proposal to RA
Review & Approve non-standard F&A (indirect cost) rate
Review subcontractors’ proposal & check for their institutional approval (SOI)
Review and confirm subrecipient versus contractor determination, as applicable
Review and confirm independent contractor/vendor/sub-recipient determination, as applicable
Make revisions & corrections to proposal after institutional review & prior to submission
Proposal Submission
Just-in-Time and Other Post-Submission Activities
Initiate institutional approvals for project as needed (e.g. IRB, IACUC, IBC)
Prepare/collect paperwork for funding agency (JIT); e.g. Other Research Support report
Request advance account, if needed

Last Updated on June 28, 2023